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Australian Biological Resources Study

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Flora of Australia

Compiled by A.McCusker

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capitulum (= head): a dense cluster of sessile flowers. adj. capitate.
catkin: a spike in which the flowers are unisexual and without conspicuous perianth.
corymb: a racemose inflorescence in which the pedicels of the lower flowers are longer than those of the flowers above, bringing all flowers to about the same level.
cyme: an inflorescence in which each flower, in turn, is formed at the tip of a growing axis and further flowers are formed on branches arising below it. adj. cymose. cf. raceme.
glomerule: a small compact cluster. adj. glomerulate.
inflorescence: the group or arrangement in which flowers are borne on a plant.
raceme: an indeterminate inflorescence in which a main axis produces a series of flowers on lateral stalks, the oldest at the base and the youngest at the top. adj. racemose. cf. cyme.
spadix: a spicate inflorescence with a stout, often succulent axis.
spike: an unbranched, indeterminate inflorescence in which the flowers are without stalks. adj. spicate.
syconium: a multiple fruit with a hollow centre, e.g. in figs (Ficus).
thyrse: a branched inflorescence in which the main axis is indeterminate and the lateral branches determinate in their growth.
umbel: a racemose inflorescence in which all the individual flower stalks arise in a cluster at the top of the peduncle and are of about equal length.
verticillaster: a false whorl of opposed cymes.
Inflorescence type
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