Australian Biological Resources Study
Compiled by A.McCusker
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gamete: a cell or nucleus that fuses with another, of opposite sex, in sexual reproduction.
gametophyte: a plant, or phase of a plant's life cycle, that bears gametes.
gamopetalous: see sympetalous.
gamophyllous: having the leaves or perianth segments united by their margins, at least at the base.
gamosepalous: having the sepals united by their margins, at least at the base.
gemma: a bud or bud-like organ capable of reproducing the plant. pl. gemmae.
geniculate: bent abruptly like a knee joint.
genotype: the total complement of hereditary factors (genes) acquired by an organism from its parents and available for transmission to its offspring. cf. phenotype.
genus: a group of species believed to be related phylogenetically and usually clearly separable from other such groups, or a single species without close relatives; the major taxonomic rank between species and family. pl. genera.
geophyte: a plant whose perennating buds are buried in the soil.
gibbous: usually of a calyx or corolla, with a large hump or pouch-like swelling.
glabrate: glabrous, but obviously having previously had an indumentum.
glabrescent: becoming glabrous.
glabrous: without hairs.
gland: a structure, within or on the surface of a plant, with a secretory function.
glandular: bearing glands; functioning as a gland. > image <
glaucous: blue-green in colour, with a whitish bloom (as in the juvenile leaves of many Eucalyptus species).
globose: nearly spherical.
glochid: a barbed hair or bristle.
glomerule: a small compact cluster. adj. glomerulate. > image <
glumaceous: glume-like, tending to be chaffy or membranous in texture.
glume: a bract in the inflorescence of a grass, sedge or similar plant.
grain: a fruit characteristic of grasses (= caryopsis); pollen grain: a microspore of a seed plant, or the partially developed gametophyte formed from it.
granulate: of a surface, granular.
guard cells: the two cells that open and close the stomata to allow gas exchange.
gymnosperm: a seed-bearing plant with the ovules borne on the surface of a sporophyll. cf. angiosperm.
gynobasic: of a style, arising near the base of the gynoecium, e.g. between the lobes of the ovary. > image <
gynodioecious: having bisexual flowers and female flowers on separate plants. cf. gynomonoecious.
gynoecium: the carpels of a flower collectively.
gynomonoecious: having bisexual and female flowers on the same plant cf. gynodioecious.
gynophore: a stalk bearing the gynoecium above the level of insertion of the other floral parts.
gynostegial corona: in Asclepiadaceae, collective term for the staminal and interstaminal coronas, both of which are associated with the gynostegium. See staminal corona, interstaminal corona.
gynostegium: in Asclepiadaceae, a structure formed by the fusion of the stamens. cf. column.
gynostemium: in Orchidaceae, a structure formed by the fusion of the androecium and the gynoecium. cf. column.